Friday, May 15, 2009


When the word abortion is set off, everyone has different thoughts or arguments about it. Even when we have a political campaign, matters like this is a huge debate. But why? Matters like abortion and same-sex marriage should be kept as a personal issue not a political issue. Yet, this kind of matter is listed on our constitution. Is it really necessary to bring such personal matter into our government or politics. Due to the Supreme Court case Roe V. Wade, Abortion was legalized if it’s in the first trimester. Also, due to this 9th amendment was set out, which was to protect a person’s right to privacy. Abortion is a really easy word to say, but for us women it’s a really tough decision. Thinking that a life is inside them, and due to some reason it has to be ended. It becomes really harsh on women. One way I’m glad that abortion was legalized, but yet don’t feel necessary that it should dragged into our government or politics. 

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