Friday, April 24, 2009


I agree with the author’s opinion about the relationship with the Cuban government and the United States. Families in Florida and Cuba have been separated from each other for many years because of the policies that were put in place to prevent Americans from going to Cuba. I believe it is up to President Obama to take the first step into trying to make a change in policy that helps the relationship between United States and Cuba. However, we should receive the same treatment in return. The recession in the United States is still occurring and opening up trade with Cuba will help boost the economy, especially in the southeastern region of the United States. This is a very sensitive matter because it can also risk the chance of more drugs flowing into the United States.

If both countries start to communicate and begin negotiations to help each other out then it will be the benefit for both governments. In this time, President Obama has to do all he can to get the economy boosted and becoming friendly with Cuba is a step in the right direction.

Friday, April 10, 2009


The article is about the spending that has occurred in the state of New York. The editor talks about the budget that the state government (democratic controlled) has and how they are putting the money to use. While the government did use the budget to crack down on drug users, they also spent money on useless projects like the Empire Zone program. The editor attacks the Democrats saying that they do not control their spending. The stimulus money helps reduce some of the 17 billion dollar deficit; however, that was not a long-term solution. The projects the government funds are helpful like the senior centers, but they also give money to some useless clubs. The governor of New York also has given money to Sheldon Silver (Assembly Speaker) who believes in giving money to other Democratic friends.

            I agree with the author when he strikes the Democrats way of spending in New York. The Democrats still insist that future reforms will come within 2 – 3 years; however, they have been saying that for years. The Democrats are continually spending money which has been raising the states deficit. The state of New York cannot expect to be able to control the deficit with just stimulus money because I agree that it will not help them in the wrong term. It’s not fair to the taxpayers because some of the money goes to gun clubs which is utterly ridiculous. If many of these taxpayers knew this then they would protest against where their tax money is going into. Also some of the budget money going to Democratic friends is also terrible spending. It’s an abuse of powers by the assembly speaker which only help out the party. They only seem to care about spending for their own benefits. Something in the state of New York has to be done because as of right now it is awful.